Thursday, October 20, 2011

What's the Big Deal About the Bible?

Last night at youth, Travis finished up his 3 series with a message about the Bible. Everything we need to know to be a follower of Christ is found in the Bible. God can show us new things every time we read the Bible if we remember what Jeremy Kingsley says, "You don't read the Bible to finish, you read the Bible to CHANGE!" If we read God's Word with that mindset, it can do some amazing things in our lives!

The first point Travis made was that The Bible is a Map. In Psalm 119:18-19, it talks about how God's word is our guide. He gives us His Word to guide us through life, through good times and bad. It comforts us, gives us assurance,and leads us in the right direction. Let God's Word guide you!

Secondly, The Bible is a Light. In Psalm 119:105 it says, "Your Word is a light for my feet and a light for my path." God only guides us and shows us what's just ahead, in front of our feet, on our path of life so we will trust Him to guide us. Yes it may be hard and we all want to know what God wants us to do in the future, but God is in control and knows what is best for us and our trust in Him.

Remember, God's Word is not something to be taken lightly, it should be respected and obeyed. When was the last time you took a look at God's Word?

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Most of us don't think of eternity very often, but it should be something we are more aware of. Eternity is very real and it last forever. Someone once said, "'ll be more alive in 1000 years then you are today." Wow, that's hard to fathom, but it is so true. Last night at youth, Travis spoke of this very topic and the fact that you and I will either spend eternity in Heaven or in Hell.

The first point Travis made was that we are all going to die. In Hebrews 9:27 it says, "...each person is destined to die once..." We can't run from it, we can't ignore it, we can't get out of it, we are all going to die one day, maybe even today. It doesn't matter who you are, you are going to die. Death is the great equalizer!

Secondly, we are all going to stand before God. Again in Hebrews 9:27 it says, "...each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgement." We all have to give an account to Jesus for our lives. (see Matthew 12:34-36) For every word we speak or type, we have to give an account. Think about the things you say in a day, the things you text, status update or tweet. What are you going to say to Jesus when He asks you about these things? There is no getting out of standing before Jesus Christ!

Third, we will end up somewhere, Heaven or Hell. Every single person is going to die and then live forever. Those who have given their lives to Christ and truly repented of their sins will get to join Jesus in Heaven, a place of beauty and peace, free from pain, suffering and temptation. Life isn't easy for the Christian, Jesus even tells us that, but don't quit, don't stop, don't give up, & don't give in. Heaven is so worth it!!!
Those who have chosen to ignore Jesus and reject Him will go to Hell, a place of torment, regret and hopelessness. Check out the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31. Please always remember that Jesus never sends anyone to Hell, people chose to go there by rejecting Him.

Finally, we will be there forever. Eternity is forever, we will live in Heaven or Hell FOREVER! Eternity never stops, it is reality! Eternity just keeps going whether we like it or not.

Where have you chosen to spend eternity?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

3: Night 1 Jesus: What's the Big Deal?

Last night at youth, Travis started a new sermon series called 3. In this series, Travis will be speaking about Jesus, The Bible and Eternity. So obviously, last night was about Jesus! We did things a bit differently at youth, with Travis speaking at the beginning and then worship at the end. It was cool because after Travis was done with the message the teens had the opportunity to praise Jesus with hopefully a better understanding of Him.

Travis talked about 3 things that Jesus did for you and for me, the first being that Jesus Stepped Out. What does this mean? Jesus stepped out of Heaven, made Himself nothing by becoming a servant and ultimately dying for you. (see Philippians 2:5-8) During this point, Travis talked about how Jesus is the only one who can truly say, "I know what you are going through." Others may say this to you when you are having a difficult time, but Jesus is the only one who has been through it all!

The second point was that Jesus Stepped In. He took on ALL the sins of the world, that means every sin you have ever committed and every sin I've ever committed. He took our place, He died for you! We are the reason Jesus had to die; without Him we are hopeless. In Isaiah 53:3-6, we have an all too real picture of how Jesus was and is treated by us, by the world, but He went through it all for us because He loves us.

The last point was that Jesus Stepped Out Again. Jesus is going to return to this earth one day whether we are ready or not. He is alive and will be forever and ever! (see Revelation 1:18) Jesus is everything I need, this world has nothing for me. Jesus is coming back victoriously, are you ready? Today is the day of salvation! 2 Corinthians 6:2